
“Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.” – Mark Twain

vasper interval training

It is probably a universal truth that training your body (or your mind) is a sure path to fitness, health, improvement, skill acquisition, and so on. The only controversy, perhaps, is methodology.

All Paths Lead to the Same Mountain – Or Do They?

If you lay aside the patently obvious bogus “miracle” workout regimens, equipment, supplements and so on, the debate – such as it is – comes down to intensity. Of course, it’s certainly more complex and nuanced than this, but for the sake of this post, intensity is often central to the question.

Traditional physical training typically involves either a long period of physical workout in the form of exercise, weight lifting or resistance training, and other activities such as swimming, running and bicycling.

The key is duration, consistency and often repeated repetitions as in weight training.

Interval training, on the other hand, typically combines short, high-intensity bursts of speed, with slow, recovery phases that are repeated during one exercise session.

Why is interval training beneficial? According to verywellfit.com:

“Interval training leads to many physiological changes including an increase in cardiovascular efficiency (the ability to deliver oxygen to the working muscles) as well as increased tolerance to the build-up of lactic acid. These changes result in improved performance, greater speed, and endurance.”

An article at Time.com offers a brief explanation why interval training, specifically high-intensity interval training or HIIT, works so well, especially for those who are not extreme athletes,

“The premise seems too good to be true: that working out in short, intense bursts can be just as good for your heart and muscles as longer endurance regimens. But scientists say it is true, and that they may have an explanation for why it’s possible…

When stressed by the extreme exercise, certain chemical channels in the muscle cells that regulate calcium changes in the cells broke down. Calcium is critical for cell signaling, and the extreme demands triggered by the exercise prompt the cell to adjust its energy production and become more efficient.”

Consequently, the physical benefits from this type of workout combined with the shorter time required to complete a workout presents a highly appealing option for many people.

Enter Vasper

While it is definitely possible for athletes and others to engage in interval training in any number of forms, there are two additional components that have been scientifically shown to both enhance and improve the results and benefits of interval training. And these are embodied in the revolutionary Vasper training system.

The Vasper website explains how the system is based on three scientifically proven principles. These are compression technology, dynamic cooling and interval training. When the first two principles are combined with interval training protocols, the results are extraordinary.

Why is this?

It has been found that compression on the arm and leg muscles during low intensity exercise creates the same physiological effects of high intensity exercise. This happens by wearing compression cuffs on the arms and legs to safely compress the muscles, which quickly builds up lactic acid. The result is the mimicking of the physiology of an intense workout that would typically take far more time and effort.

In addition, this compression quickly builds metabolite concentration, while activating fast twitch muscle fibers. This process then triggers a systemic recovery response, including the natural release of anabolic hormones such as testosterone.

And what about dynamic cooling?

According to research, as body temperature increases, blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate, which  increases blood flow to the skin, leaving less blood and oxygen for the muscles.And, when there is not enough blood to remove lactic acid from the muscles, the body hits the proverbial “wall” and begins to fatigue.

However, if the body can remain cool during exercise, it allows blood oxygen levels to remain high throughout the body making exercising much more efficient and enjoyable. Perspiration is also dramatically reduced or eliminated completely. In addition, cooling the body during a workout minimizes further physical stress and reduces any existing pain and inflammation.

Vasper and Workout Pain and Injuries

Perhaps another benefit of the Vasper system could arguably be said to rank up there with efficiency: drastically reduced potential for workout pain or injuries.

The very nature of the Vasper training protocols preempt the likelihood of pain and injury. And, best of all, regardless of the training goals you are trying to reach, using the Vasper system will help you achieve them.

Vasper training can also help your body recover from existing injuries, while helping you attain the next level of your training. In addition, it can have an impact on your life from increased levels of energy and by sleeping better. All in a 21-minute workout!

One of the great benefits of the Vasper System is that just about anyone can use it.

While there are definitely many professional athletes and other professionals with physically demanding jobs who make use of it on a regular basis, Vasper training can be utilized by “ordinary” people at any physical level of activity.

So, if you are simply looking to recover from an injury, or just want to increase your exercise efficiency, the Vasper System is a great way to achieve it.

We no longer have a Vasper system at our facility, but we encourage or clients and readers to explore systems like Vasper while they pursue their health goals

Our primary goal is to be here for you and to help you achieve a happy and healthy life.