
How Do You Treat Migraines Holistically?

The cause of migraines is generally a pressure difference in the blood going to the brain. Several muscles can impinge on the arteries that supply the brain, creating this pressure difference and leading to tension headaches or migraines.

So, where does this tension come from? Why are the muscles impinging on the internal carotid artery tight? There are many possible biomechanical reasons. For example, a core stability issue could lead to neck compensation, causing tightness in the neck muscles and restricting blood flow to the brain. Excess stress is another common factor, as people often hold tension in their shoulders and neck, further impinging blood flow.

How Do We Treat Migraines Holistically?

  1. Addressing the Root Cause – If stress is a factor, we use customized exercises to improve resilience to stress.
  2. Releasing Impinging Muscles – Identifying and releasing the muscles restricting blood flow using Active Release Techniques (ART). This involves shortening and lengthening the muscle with applied tension and pressure, making it one of the best conservative medical treatments.
  3. Restoring Strength & Mobility – Prolonged postural habits can overload certain muscles while underloading others, leading to chronic tension. Restoring mobility and balanced strength in the neck can alleviate this issue.
  4. Nutritional & Lifestyle Considerations – Factors like electrolyte imbalances (sodium, potassium, magnesium) and poor sleep hygiene can also contribute to migraines.

Can Holistic Treatments Completely Cure Migraines?

Yes, they can, though not in every case permanently or without follow-up. No single treatment is 100% effective for every individual, as each case is unique. However, I have worked with clients whose migraines completely resolved through holistic treatment.

Can Poor Posture Cause Migraines?

Poor posture can contribute to migraines, but it is rarely the sole cause. Severe pain patterns, including migraines, typically have multiple contributing factors. While improving posture may help some individuals, it is unlikely to be the complete solution.

What Role Does Movement Therapy Play in Migraine Relief?

Movement therapy is somewhat indirect but still helpful. The most common movement patterns people engage in are breathing and walking.

  • Breathing Patterns – Many people develop dysfunctional breathing patterns, relying too much on their neck muscles instead of using proper diaphragmatic breathing. This can increase neck tension and contribute to migraines.
  • Gait Patterns – If someone has an injury (e.g., a knee issue) and compensates by tilting their shoulders, it can create excess neck tension that contributes to migraines. Correcting their gait can help.

How Does Stress Cause Migraines?

Stress directly creates muscle tension, but how it manifests varies from person to person. Some people’s stress patterns affect the muscles that impinge on blood flow to the brain, making them more prone to migraines. Managing stress through movement, breathing techniques, and addressing muscle tension can help reduce migraine frequency and intensity.