
Are you tired of living with nagging musculoskeletal pain? Do you find yourself constantly searching for relief but never truly understanding the root cause of your discomfort? If so, we have a solution for you.

Introducing SFMA – the Selective Functional Movement Assessment™. This revolutionary approach to identifying the underlying causes of musculoskeletal pain is changing lives and providing much-needed relief to countless individuals.

Here at Pain and Performance, want to take some time and explore what SFMA is, how it works, and why it may be the key to finally finding lasting pain relief. Gain a better understanding of what SFMA is and how it could help provide pain management.


Understanding Musculoskeletal Pain

Musculoskeletal pain is a common complaint that affects millions of people worldwide. It refers to discomfort or pain in the:

  • Muscles
  • Bones
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments
  • Other structures that support the body’s movement

This type of pain can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), and it can range from mild to severe.

The causes of musculoskeletal pain are varied and can include injuries such as sprains, strains, fractures, and dislocations. Other factors like poor posture, repetitive movement patterns, overuse injuries, and underlying medical conditions like arthritis can also contribute to musculoskeletal pain.

It’s important to understand musculoskeletal pain because it helps us determine the most appropriate treatment approach. By identifying the root cause of the pain through a comprehensive orthopedic assessment like SFMA (Selective Functional Movement Assessment), healthcare professionals can develop targeted strategies for effective relief.

SFMA is an evidence-based system that evaluates dysfunctional movement patterns and identifies any functional limitations or imbalances in mobility and stability throughout the body. It provides valuable insights into how different areas of the body are interconnected and how they may be contributing to musculoskeletal pain.

By using SFMA as a diagnostic tool, providers at Pain and Performance Solutions can pinpoint specific dysfunctions within your movement system that may be causing your pain. With this information in hand, we can create a personalized treatment plan tailored to address your unique needs.

If you’re experiencing musculoskeletal pain that just won’t go away or want a more targeted approach to understanding its root causes – reach out to our team at Pain and Performance Solutions today! Our experts have extensive experience with SFMA assessments and will work closely with you on your journey towards lasting relief from musculoskeletal pain.

Picture of a man with a knee wrap, sitting down outside on steps holding his knee

Common Causes of Musculoskeletal Pain

Musculoskeletal pain can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from acute injuries to chronic conditions. Understanding the common causes of musculoskeletal pain is crucial in order to effectively address and treat it.

  • One common cause of musculoskeletal pain is poor posture. Sitting or standing for long periods of time with improper alignment can put stress on the muscles and joints, leading to discomfort and pain. Another contributing factor is repetitive movements or overuse injuries, which occur when certain muscles or joints are strained due to excessive use.
  • Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis can also result in musculoskeletal pain. Arthritis causes inflammation in the joints, leading to stiffness and discomfort. Additionally, accidents or trauma like falls or sports injuries can cause sprains, strains, fractures, or dislocations that lead to localized pain.
  • Muscle imbalances and weakness are yet another contributor to musculoskeletal pain. When certain muscle groups are stronger than others, it can create an imbalance that puts strain on other areas of the body.

Identifying these common causes of musculoskeletal pain is vital for appropriate treatment planning and management. By addressing the root cause rather than solely focusing on symptom relief, individuals can experience more lasting relief from their discomfort.


How SFMA Can Help Identify Root Causes of Pain

SFMA is a valuable tool that can help identify the root causes of musculoskeletal pain. This assessment technique takes a comprehensive approach to evaluating movement patterns and identifying any dysfunctions or imbalances that may be contributing to pain and injury.

One benefit of SFMA is its ability to look beyond just the site of pain. Often, musculoskeletal pain originates from dysfunction in other areas of the body. For example, lower back pain may stem from poor hip mobility or core stability issues. By assessing movement patterns throughout the entire body, SFMA helps uncover these hidden sources of pain.

During an SFMA assessment, a trained healthcare professional will conduct a series of tests and musculoskeletal evaluations to assess fundamental movement patterns such as squatting, lunging, reaching, and rotating. These tests provide insights into how different parts of your body are functioning together and highlight any limitations or compensation patterns that may be present.

Based on the findings from an SFMA assessment, healthcare professionals can develop personalized treatment plans tailored to address specific dysfunctions identified during the evaluation process. Treatment options may include targeted exercises to improve mobility and strength in problem areas or manual therapies such as joint mobilizations or soft tissue techniques.

At Pain and Performance Solutions, our team specializes in developing individualized treatment plans based on our clients’ unique needs. If you’re experiencing musculoskeletal pain and want lasting pain relief by addressing its root cause rather than just treating symptoms temporarily – reach out to us today!

a man having his arm and shoulder mobility tested by a physical therapist

The Process of SFMA Assessment

When it comes to identifying the root causes of musculoskeletal pain, the Selective Functional Movement Assessment is a game-changer. This comprehensive movement-based diagnostic system allows our professionals to assess and analyze movement patterns to pinpoint areas of movement dysfunction.

During an SFMA assessment, our skilled clinicians will evaluate multiple functional mobility in order to identify limitations, asymmetries, and muscle imbalances within the body. These movements include assessing joint mobility, testing stability through different positions, and analyzing overall motor control.

The process begins with a thorough history taking session where you can discuss your symptoms and medical history with the clinician. Then, they will perform a series of tests that involve both active functional movements performed by you and passive movements facilitated by the clinician.

Through these movement screenings, clinicians can determine which specific movement patterns or dysfunctions may be contributing to your pain. By identifying these underlying issues, treatment plans can be tailored specifically to address them and provide effective relief.

It’s important to understand that an SFMA assessment is not just about finding temporary solutions for pain management but rather addressing the root causes of musculoskeletal problems. By targeting these underlying issues through targeted treatments such as manual therapy techniques or corrective exercises based on individual needs identified during SFMA assessment – long-term pain relief can be achieved.

If you’re experiencing musculoskeletal pain that has been difficult to diagnose or treat effectively thus far, consider reaching out to Pain and Performance Solutions for their expertise in SFMA assessments. Their team of experienced professionals can help identify the root causes of your pain so that effective treatment options can be explored. Don’t let ongoing discomfort hold you back any longer – contact Pain and Performance Solutions today!


Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Pain Based on SFMA Findings

When it comes to treating musculoskeletal pain, a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t cut it. By identifying the root causes of your pain, SFMA allows for more targeted and effective treatment options.

Once the SFMA assessment is complete, our team at Pain and Performance Solutions will analyze the findings to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to you. This may include a combination of various therapies such as manual therapy, corrective exercises, and neuromuscular re-education.

  • Manual therapy techniques like joint mobilizations and soft tissue manipulation can help alleviate pain by improving mobility and reducing muscle tension.
  • Corrective exercises are designed to address any movement dysfunctions identified during the SFMA assessment. These exercises help improve stability, strength, and overall movement patterns.
  • Neuromuscular re-education focuses on training your body’s neuromuscular system to move efficiently and correctly through specific drills and movements. This helps reinforce proper movement patterns while reducing compensations that can lead to further pain or injury.

With SFMA-based treatment options, we aim not just to provide temporary relief from musculoskeletal pain but also promote long-term healing by addressing the underlying issues causing your discomfort.

If you’re tired of living with musculoskeletal pain that limits your daily activities or sports performance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts at Pain and Performance Solutions today! Our experienced team is here to help identify those root causes using SFMA assessments so that we can create an individualized treatment plan just for you!


Reach Out to Pain and Performance Solutions for SFMA Services

Incorporating SFMA into your musculoskeletal pain assessment can provide valuable insights into the root causes of your pain. By identifying dysfunctional movement patterns and addressing them directly, you can experience long-lasting pain relief and improved performance.

If you’re ready to take control of your musculoskeletal health, don’t hesitate to reach out to Pain and Performance Solutions. Our team of experts can guide you through the process with care and expertise. We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve optimal health and well-being, using evidence-based treatments tailored to their specific needs.

Don’t let musculoskeletal pain hold you back any longer. Contact Pain and Performance Solutions today for comprehensive SFMA services that will help identify the root causes of your pain, so you can get back to living a fulfilling, active life. Take the first step towards a healthier future by reaching out to us now!