“The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.” – Kenneth H. Cooper

It has long been known and understood that health and well-being are intrinsically tied to physical fitness. This is not to say that one must be a triathlete or CrossFit champion to be happy and healthy. But some level of exercise and fitness is needed to function well and feel good.
America is Suffering From an Epidemic of Sedentary Lifestyles
According to the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey data from the CDC, adults who did not engage in physical activity or exercise during the previous 30 days other than for their regular job are considered “physically inactive.”
Just a little over half the adults in America, only 51.7 percent, meet the minimum national Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic activity. At the low end of the spectrum, states like Kentucky and Mississippi had the highest reported highest obesity rates among adults at 34.4 and 37.3 percent each.
Compared with previous generations, we are spending increasing amounts of time engage in work or pastimes requiring limited physical activity and prolonged sitting. Whether we are at work, at home, or in our cars and communities, workplaces, schools, homes, and public spaces have re-engineered to minimize human movement and muscular activity.
These changes have a dual effect on human behavior: people move less and sit more. But humans are designed to move and engage in all manner of manual labor throughout the day. And the recent shift from a physically active life to one with few physical challenges has been sudden and has occurred during a drastically short period of human existence.
Feeling the Need for Exercise
Science and recent medical research are re-discovering what many of us already have known either intuitively or from experience: that we need to exercise. According to an article from the Mayo Clinic:
“Clinical and basic research has focused on the benefits of incorporating regular bouts of exercise into modern life to adjust to some extent for the loss of the physically active life led by our ancestors. Current public health recommendations propose engaging in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous activity to help prevent and manage multiple chronic conditions, notably cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some cancers. The evidence base that supports this exercise recommendation is substantial.”
At Pain and Performance Solutions, we recognize that exercise is a fundamental activity for developing and maintaining a happy, healthy and balanced life. In addition, we also recognize that “working out” can be challenging for many people and for many reasons.
Fortunately, we have the Vasper system to help our clients to increase their exercise efficiency. The Mayo Clinic recommends “at least 150 minutes per week” of some type of physical exercise and we all know that, even at five days a week, this can mean at least a minimum of a half-hour workout and likely longer. And, for too many people, most workouts tend to be difficult, painful and hard to maintain over the long-term. The good news is, with the Vasper system, workouts are only 21 minutes and they don’t leave you feeling exhausted, worn out, hot or in pain.
How Vasper Can Help Your Body Work at Its Healthiest
Vasper is a patented health technology designed to promote systemic health gains. It provides a non-invasive technology solution that allows people to actively engage their body’s natural systems to achieve optimal health and wellness.
The Vasper system combines compression, liquid cooling, and interval training to spur your body’s production of growth and recovery hormones. As a result, it delivers the most significant benefits of high-intensity exercise, but in an efficient and low-impact 21-minute workout.
In addition to these components, Vasper uses a low impact platform, the NuStep T5XR, which accommodates almost any physical limitation while reducing physical breakdown and fatigue. Vasper uses the NuStep T5XR to avoid stressing the body and breaking down muscle tissue. The goal is to minimally stress the muscles while still triggering a systemic recovery response that can heal damaged or unconditioned areas of the body.
The compression and cooling create the effect of a traditional high intensity exercise, but without the time, effort, and muscle damage it requires for the same results. And, instead of feeling tired and sore, Vasper leaves you energized and rejuvenated, while alleviating your body aches and pains.
Ultimately, the results achieved from using the Vasper system lead to a higher functioning body on a day-to-day basis. Among the benefits that you can derive from these workout routines, you can expect to experience:
- Increased Strength and energy
- Reduced stress and improved sleep quality
- Improved mood and mental clarity
- An increased sense of well-being
- Accelerated cardiovascular fitness
- Building lean muscle mass and increasing strength
- Efficient fat burning with increased release of anabolic hormones
- Accelerated metabolism, weight loss and increased lactate threshold (VO2 max)
In addition, research indicates that the Vasper system can release the beneficial muscle-building response of anabolic, or growth, hormones and testosterone, while diminishing the release of cortisol, and other catabolic hormones related to stress and inflammation.
Whether it’s recovering from an injury or just a way to increase your exercise efficiency, the Vasper System is just another way to help.
We no longer have a Vasper system at our facility, but we encourage or clients and readers to explore systems like Vasper while they pursue their health goals
Contact us now at (707) 636-4404 or use our online booking form to set up a consultation and an office walk through. At the end of the day, we are here for you and to help you achieve a happy and healthy life.